St Paul's Chichester

Sanctuary - Hospitality - Spiritual Encounter


Sixth Station:  Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you

for by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.


Bible Reading – Matthew 25. 35-36,40


I was hungry and you fed me,

thirsty, and you gave me a drink.

I was a stranger and you received me in your homes,

naked and you clothed me;

I was sick and you took care of me,

in prison and you visited me.

Whenever you did this – you did it for me.




Wiping faces, dirty faces;

faces full of sweat and tears,

faces covered in chocolate and in jam.

Wiping faces is something we try to do gently and lovingly,

something that soothes and cleanses,

something that brings healing.

Wiping faces is something we do for those who are young, or old,

or in pain, or in trouble,

wanting them to know that they are cherished and loved.

And when we wipe the faces of God’s little ones,

we are wiping the face of God.



For those who soothe and heal others;

for the NHS and all health workers and carers:

Lord, in your mercy

hear our prayer.