Electoral RolL
This year’s APCM will be held on Sunday 12th May 2024.
Prior to the APCM there will be a revision of the Electoral Roll.
Those on the current roll do not need to do anything unless they wish to be removed or have become ineligible for some other reason.
Anyone eligible and wishing to be put on the roll may apply to do so by completing an application form, see below:
To apply:
Forms are available from the Parish Office or the shelf at the back of church. Alternatively you can download a copy: click here
Completed forms must be returned to the Parish Office by Wednesday 24thApril at the latest.When the office is closed, mail can be left in the secure post box on the outside wall by the office. The postal address is St Paul’s Church, Churchside, Chichester PO19 6FT.
Who can be on the electoral Roll?
Baptised adults (over 16 years) who live in the parish, or who have worshipped regularly at St Paul’s for at least six months and are committed to being part of the life of the local Church of England congregation.
Why Join?
Enrolment is an act of commitment to St. Paul’s Church and the church as a whole. It opens the way for a greater involvement in the life of the church at parish, deanery, diocesan and national levels. Being on the electoral roll means you can attend and vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, and to be on the PCC you must be on the roll.
On the Roll already?
If you are unsure whether or not you are on the current roll please contact our Electoral Roll Officer, Sue Foster electoralroll@stpaulschichester.org.uk 07834 373515, or ask in the Parish Office.
The new Roll for 2024
This will be posted on the church noticeboard from Friday 26th April until the APCM on Sunday 12th May