St Paul's Chichester

Sanctuary - Hospitality - Spiritual Encounter

Vision and Values

St Paul’s is an open-minded community of faith, and our life together is centred on the main Sunday Eucharist at 10am. The church itself is light and spacious, and our worship is enhanced by a superb choir of both adults and children. During the Eucharist our thriving Sunday School meets in the adjacent parish centre, and we are proud that our congregation includes a wide age span, from nine months to ninety (plus) years. We value both traditional and modern hymns, thoughtful preaching and the resources of Common Worship. The laying-on of hands for healing is always available at the end of the service. 


We strongly affirm the ordained ministry of women, and try to ensure that our life together is an expression of God’s generous and inclusive love.

We are also strongly committed to a rhythm of worship throughout the week, Morning Prayer is said daily at 9am. There is a regular midweek celebrations of the Eucharist  Thursdays at 10am. Normal Sunday services are 8.00am Holy Communion  (BCP) and 10.00 am Parish Eucharist with Junior Church. Additional special services are held through the church year.

For many years St Paul’s has been committed to environmental responsibility, and we have won three Eco-congregation awards. We are also a Fair Trade congregation and identify with the work of Christian Aid. Our enthusiastic Mission Group challenges us to look outwards into the world and we have a number of important mission links.

The parish of St Paul is extensive and varied. It includes nearly all the city centre, apart from the Cathedral close, and extends from Summersdale in the north to the bypass in the south. The Market Cross, the railway station, Chichester Gate leisure complex, Chichester College, the Festival Theatre and many of Chichester’s public buildings are all within the parish. We are also privileged to have Central (Aided) Church of England School within a short distance of the church, and we maintain a close relationship with it.

St Paul’s is part of a United Benefice, together with St Peter’s Church in Westhampnett. Our team of clergy and readers are shared between both churches, and we aim to support one another as mission partners. We also work closely with the Cathedral and with the other churches in and around the city.

Children and young people are very much part of our church family, and we have a thriving Sunday School and several youth groups.  But we are not just a church for the young.  We include retired people, the middle-aged, those who are single and those in relationships, pensioners, skilled professionals and those without work.  We are comfortable with our diversity and are keen to help newcomers feel part of our church family. 

The objectives of the PCC in co-operation with the incumbent are:-

  • To promote St Paul's as a place of prayer, worship and Christian fellowship.
  • To proclaim the Gospel through preaching, teaching and a commitment to peace, justice and  respect  for the integrity of creation.
  • To provide pastoral and spiritual care to the wider parish.
  • To maintain and enhance the Church, the Parish Centre and St Michael's Hall and make them readily available for use by community groups.
  • To uphold Christian principles of compassion, equality and inclusiveness.