Bible Study
House Group
St Paul’s has an on-going house group that meets on alternate Tuesday evenings for fellowship, bible study, and discussion of topical issues. Why not get to know a few other people in the church better and grow together in faith and understanding of the bible? For further information please contact Ian Creswick (Tel.01243 780248).
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Short Courses
For those who prefer not to make an open-ended commitment, there are occasional one-off sessions or short courses of bible study with a stronger teaching focus. For details please contact Anthony Freeman (Tel. 01243 783136).
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Bible Reading Fellowship
For personal study and spiritual reading of the Bible, the Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) provides two sets of notes, New Daylight and Guidelines. Both are written by a team of contributors, Guidelines tending to be more “scholarly”, but still very accessible.
Each book of BRF Notes provides four months of Bible readings, with comments to aid understanding. They cost about £5 for each 4-month set, and can be ordered from Barbara Scott (see list at the back of the church) or bought directly from St Olav’s bookshop in North Street. The next series begins in January, so needs to be ordered this month.
New Daylight is self-contained and very simple to use. Each page has a short Bible passage; a comment explaining the reading or responding to it; and a prayer or suggestion for action relating to the reading. As well as the printed book, each page can be sent in a daily email.
On the first Thursday of each month, users of New Daylight are invited to meet in church (St Peter's Chapel) at 11.00 am to discuss for an hour the previous month's readings.
Guidelines is a companion to your own Bible reading. Instead of printing daily readings, it provides weekly units of comment on longer sections scripture that you read in your own Bible. The comments are divided into six sections for each week, so on any day you can read as many or few sections as suits you. There is also an introduction to each week’s section of the Bible, and a final section of points for thought and prayer.