St Paul's Chichester

Sanctuary - Hospitality - Spiritual Encounter

Mothers' UnionMothers' Union

Mothers Union in Chichester and District is based at St. Paul’s. St Paul’s, the Cathedral, Boxgrove and Lavant form the branch which meets monthly, mostly at St. Paul’s, but sometimes at other Churches, for a Eucharist, a speaker or other event. The branch, known as ‘St. Paul’s and City of Chichester’, is part of the west District of Chichester diocese Mothers’ Union and as such takes part in social and fund-raising events for diocesan projects; these include the caravan at Camber Sands for ‘Away from it all’ holidays, the Contact Centre at Eastbourne, the visiting children’s play areas at Ford and Lewes prisons, and Parenting Programmes. Money is also raised for literacy and development in Africa, particularly in our own linked diocese of Renk in Sudan.
Visitors to our meetings are most welcome!
Diocese membership is available for those who cannot attend branch meetings, but still wish to support the invaluable work by Mother Union for families at home and abroad.

Further details from Heather Hyde on (01243) 785633 or see

Saturday 4th May - Diocesan Spring Meeting -from 10.00am -3.00pm at St John the Evangelist, Preston Park Brighton

Our next Thursday meeting will be on 18th July at 11 am

No meeting in August, the September meeting is on Thursday 19th September.

Friday 9th August we will be giving thanks for the vision of the MU founder Mary Summer (in 1876). For more information contact Heather Hyde on  01243 785633