Milk Bottle Tops
We collect all type of clean, plastic milk bottle tops, which are then recycled. The recycling company pays a small amount per tonne collected, which we donate to the Chestnut Tree Hospice! Since we started collecting, we have collected millions of bottle tops!
If you would like to recycle with us, please bring your bottle tops to St.Paul’s Church, Churchside, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1BZ. When you enter the car park, you will see a large sign direction you to the recycling bins.
Please put your tops into the correct bin! Medium and Large bags into the bagged bin and small quantities into the loose bin!
Chestnut Tree House is the only children’s hospice in Sussex and cares for children and young adults from 0-19 years of age with progressive life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses from all over the county.
For more information about Chestnut Tree House, please see: