St Paul's Chichester

Sanctuary - Hospitality - Spiritual Encounter

Goal 2:  A place of imaginative and inspiring worship, with the Eucharist at our heart.


Introduce a regular pattern of non-Eucharistic services

·         Hold an afternoon service every month (BCP, Taize, Iona,               Forest Church)

      ·         Introduce an informal monthly Café Church at 8.15am

      ·         Advertise more widely our Advent/Christmas Carol Services,
Beating the Bounds etc.

Ensure that everyone is able to participate in the Eucharist 

     ·         Produce new service booklets for each liturgical season

     ·         Include the Sunday School in our worship more regularly on a
quarterly basis with simpler, shorter liturgy

    ·        Consider introducing new hymns – either a supplementary book

         or on screen

      ·         Train and support more welcomers and review our welcome  
